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Throughout my learning in the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University, I have gathered meaningful lessons and artifacts to showcase here. Over the course of my learning, I have developed meaningful lessons and strengthened my craft in education as an educator and a learner. After reflecting on my work, I have created sections that my showcase will be sorted by based on the areas that I have worked to develop. I have divided  my work into three themes: Professional, Creativity, and Lessons. Professional tips and tricks are important to me, as an educator, and I feel that these pieces will positively impact other educators. The creativity section focuses on artifacts that strengthened my creativity in education. The section focused on lessons are pieces of work that will challenge learners to think critically and apply the lesson to their lives 


*Check out the artifacts by clicking on the images. 



In this blog post, I define and analyze the meaning of a professional learning network. I created a visual of my own professional learning network using Popplet. After reviewing my online communities and means of professional collaboration, I have worked to expand my professional learning network.


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As a teacher who loves organization but somehow always ends up with a million reminders, a few planners that eventually end up hardly used, and due dates that always feel like they're quickly approaching, I needed to find a method to the madness. In this blog post I review a few applications that can help turn my Type-B tendencies to productive and organized systems. 


Over the course of my learning, I have honed my research skills. I have an interest in closing achievement gaps in schools and what research-based strategies have worked in various communities. Within this review, I delve into best practices and research studies that support closing the achievement gaps in schools. 

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Type-A Apps for Type-B Teachers (2).jpg

In this blog post, I explain the great advantages of using infographics. After learning about the benefits of using infographics, I have created custom infographics for my students and supplementing seemingly "less-engaging" lessons. 



Using up-to-date research studies and the program SketchUp, I redesigned my learning environment to be more student-centered. The design is inclusive to all types of learners and fosters a sense of welcoming and collaboration. Outside of creating norms, a learning environment is critical to positive experiences in education. 

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Literacy Case Study (2).jpg

Within this blog post, I go into detail about formative assessments and the use of Adobe Spark to help students recognize the importance of sharing knowledge about the effects of injustice and the people who advocate for change to a bigger audience outside of our community. The post contains a pdf of the lessons and links to outside resources!  

When a student is not at grade level, it can be sometimes difficult to identify needs or support. In this case study, I explain pre- and post- assessments, as well as specific research-based interventions that are tailored to the student's needs. 

In order to build on students' understanding of symbolism in literacy, I created a lesson sequence of introducing Squishy Circuits and the meaning of symbolism in literary pieces. This sequence connects students with the opportunity to create representations of symbols in their novels or our class novels. The blog post contains a pdf file of the lesson sequence as well as links to the resources/materials needed!

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