Future Learning Goals:
My Lifelong Learning Journey
My love for learning has always been apart of who I am. I have a thirst for knowledge that results with joining clubs, researching various topics, and questioning the information I read. I constantly find myself wanting to know why. This love for knowledge has only increased over time. As my time with the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University is coming to a close, I have had a chance to concentrate on my next steps as a lifelong learner. I have always loved to challenge myself academically and grow as a learner, so it has been almost common sense that my master's degree was a stepping stone on my lifelong journey as a learner. I am not positive if the doctoral program is that next stone to step towards, but I do know that I will always strive to continue to learn. When I elevate my thinking, personal growth is a direct result, so I plan to continue this trend as a Language and Literature educator and as a learner, in general. The three paths of learning that I plan to continue exploring involve technology, professional grant writing, and social justice education.
One of my passions in education is technology and I would like to continue to pursue new skills in educational technology. The next path that makes the most sense to me, would be the Google Educator Certification. I already use Google Apps for Education on a daily basis and aide my coworkers in quick tips and tricks to make Google work for them. I would like to become officially certified and feel confident to guide other educators working with Google. I believe that technology is constantly evolving and the use of technology in schools changes constantly, so with the Google Educator certification I am able to continue learning and eventually become a trainer. This certification will allow me to continue teaching my students and coworkers valuable skills that enhance learning.
The next area of learning that I plan to pursue is professional grant writing. One of my long-term goals as an educator is to create a non-profit that benefits students’ learning. In many urban communities, schools are underfunded and under resourced - especially when it comes to technology. Due to the lack of access and time spent learning to use technology in educational settings, the achievement gap between students in affluent schools compared to urban schools is growing every year (research on the importance of technology in education). Eventually, I would like to create a non-profit that works with under resourced schools to create technology programs that teach valuable skills. I would like to learn more about grant writing and develop my writing abilities so that I am able to write grants to fund this program. I have researched local classes that offer instruction and support in developing these skills; I just have to find the time to enroll and attend!
Social justice advocacy is one of my passions. I feel that it is critical to teach my students about injustice in society, identifying them and how to advocate against it. I find myself integrating social justice themes into many of my Language and Literature units as this learning is applicable and current. Many of my students relate to and think deeply about these topics, so I feel responsible for being informed and empowering to students. One of my current reliable resources is Teaching Tolerance. Their artifacts, lessons, and practices support educators who are tackling tough topics. The materials provided focus on social change and anti-bias practices. I would like to attend more professional development sessions on how to create agency in schools and more meaningful units that create opportunities for students to create change.
In conclusion, my future learning will not cease to exist after this masters’ program closes. In fact, I am excited to explore new avenues of learning after graduation; the hard part is narrowing down and prioritizing my interests. I believe that this program has helped shaped my learning habits. I am always reminding my own students to build time management skills and working full-time would be an easy excuse to become stagnant in my learning. However, the MAET program has aided me by forcing me to carve out time to learn, reflect on my progress and evaluate where I am headed. Overall, I believe that the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology has inspired me even more than before to continue to ask why in all paths of my learning.