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Goals for Growth

At the beginning of my graduate school learning I had an image of what the end result would be for me. I was a second year teacher who was beyond excited to learn about how to become the very best educator. One of my goals was to gain more knowledge about implementing meaningful instruction while using technology. I hoped to gain additional insight on finding the newest and best technology extensions or lessons. I planned to utilize my degree to extend student learning with a mastery in the SAMR model. The SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) model is defined as a guide for educators to implement technology into learning created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. At the beginning of my learning, I also believed that one major takeaway from the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program would be a large tool kit of technology. 

As the program is coming to a close I have begun to reflect on the shift in my goals and mindset in relation to the masters program. Looking back, I seem to have been a little naive as to what the masters' program entailed. I still want to create meaningful lessons for students to build lifelong skills and reach wider audiences, but I also want to utilize technology to teach students how to think critically. One takeaway that seems to really resonate with me is building my professional learning community.  

The graduate program has allowed me to review how I have created an online professional presence. Before continuing my education, I had not thought of how to represent myself within online educational communities. Now I am more interested in creating connections with other professionals and utilizing my professional learning community. After building my professional learning community, I was able to recognize the importance and incredible opportunity of collaborating with other educators across the country. 

Another shift in my mindset as a result of learning in the MAET program was reflecting on the information that I consume. It pushes me to question and decide where I stand, rather than stick with a one-sided view and never question opposing opinions. Before partaking in the MAET program, I was only reading articles, blogs, or books about my beliefs and my opinions. I had not considered the other viewpoints, only with the opinion that I already had. Due to the MAET program, I was reminded how important it is to challenge my thinking. If I was not reading something challenging, how could I grow? I was able to seek out resources of differing opinions, feel stronger in my thinking, and question more about what I am consuming. After focusing on research and critical thinking, I believe my goals have shifted from seeking out buzzword theories revolving around the newest and greatest educational tools, to seeking information on research-based tools and instructional strategies to further benefit my students’ learning. I have found that as a student, I have been pushed to grow both in educational technology instruction and as a critical thinker. My goals have shifted and grown into best practices that can benefit all types of learners. Overall, I believe that the Master of Arts in Educational Technology program has allowed me to grow as a learner and continuing to be a lifelong learner is one goal that I cannot see changing. 




Shrock, K. (n.d.). SAMR. Retrieved from

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